保镖培训 Trainning

To the vast sea -- police escort
本中心是上海独家以特种部队擒拿格斗为特色的军警格斗培训单位,可承接各类警卫,护卫及个人保卫等业务The center is Shanghai exclusive to special forces fighting for the characteristics of military combat training unit, can undertake all types of guard, escort and personal security services.。
现以防身自卫,快速擒敌,一招制服歹徒为特色,宏扬正气,服务社会为宗旨的培训班面向社会招生。Now the self-defense, rapid cutting, a uniform gangster features, promote healthy atmosphere, social services for the purpose of training class admission to the community.
军警格斗功夫以快,狠,准为要领。面对持械歹徒运用擒拿技能制服于脚下。崇尚武德,见义勇为宏扬部队武术文化,继承发扬中华优良传统作风。Police Kung Fu to fast, firm, accurate to the essentials.In the face of gunmen using grappling skills uniforms at the foot of.Do boldly what is righteous army chongchangwu Germany, promote Wushu culture, inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of Chinese style
军警格斗功夫是我中华武术百花园里的一支奇葩,取众家武术之精华,融踢,打,摔,拿,夺刀,夺枪等格斗动作为一体。深受我军官兵及武术爱好者的青睐。The police is my Chinese Martial Arts Kung Fu Garden is a wonderful work, take the family martial arts essence, into play, play, fall, get, take knife, to seize a gun and other combat action as one.By our army and martial arts enthusiasts of all ages
既可强身健体,增强人体抵抗力,抗击打能力。更重要的是简单实用一招制胜。又培养吃苦耐劳,英勇顽强的精神。Not only physical health, enhance human immunity, resisting ability.More important is the simple and practical one stroke victory.And training hard, brave and indomitable spirit保镖护卫服务保镖护卫服务神英特卫专业的安全管理团队,一支由退役特种兵专业组建的特卫队伍。经过严格的军事化,专业化培训上岗。The bodyguard service to God inter professional safety management team, by a retired special forces major established Tyvek team.After a strict military, professional training.专业保障,企业家,名人,影视明星,家庭,企业,团队的人身和财产安全。